كلية الطب البيطري باللغة الإنجليزية

Faculty Objectives

The goals:

The faculty presents veterinary education service based on the research bases and standards known internationally to enable the graduate to:

1)    Develop self recourses for the faculty.

2)    Raise the efficiency of administrative persons.

3)     Provide of faculty needs of technological infrastructure and make getting information easier.

4)     Enhance noble moral values inside faculty community.

5)    Examine and treat diseased animals, birds and fishes.

6)    Prevent contagious and non contagious diseases.

7)    Present consultations in the field of animal, birds and fishes feed.

8)    Raise the efficiency of performance for laboratories.

9)    Raise the ability of students to deal with new techniques and compete in labor market.

10)  Develop the abilities of staff and assistant staff.

11)  Enhance international cooperation in the field of education and research.

12)  Present extinguished training for graduates and specialists.

13)  Protect human from mutual diseases.

14) Get safe food product from animal origin.