Vision & Mission & Objectives

First: Vision, Mission, Objectives and Values

1- Vision Section:

The Department of Fundamentals of Education, Faculty of Education, Kafrelsheikh University, in the local, regional and international scientific community, should be known for excellence in teaching, scientific research and knowledge production, community service, excellence in providing educational services and diverse activities in accordance with the highest international performance and accreditation indicators, and becoming a distinguished scientific and advisory center To provide research, opinion, expertise and advice to all beneficiaries, individuals and institutions locally, regionally and globally.

2- Message of the Department (MISSION)

      Participate in the preparation of teachers distinguished academically and professionally, and conducting research and applied field and field in the fields of education assets to contribute effectively in solving educational and community problems in cooperation with departments, colleges and other relevant institutions, and competitiveness in the production, production and management of educational knowledge, with the skill in employing and developing.

3-Section Objectives:

Participating in the preparation of teachers in all stages of education distinct professional preparation earns them the skills of criticism and analysis of educational concepts related to their work as teachers.

Access to the curricula offered by the department in the undergraduate and graduate stages to a high level of quality.

Participate in the preparation of distinguished researchers in the fields of pedagogical assets, keep pace with their thought and potential depth of economic, political and cultural changes, and their educational implications.

Conduct research that contributes to the production and renewal of educational knowledge, through the formation of a research team that serves the educational process and enriches the educational thought and disseminates modern educational trends.

Address the urgent educational, educational and societal problems imposed by the social reality to achieve the link between theory and practice.

Enriching the Arab Educational Library with a selection of authentic educational books.

Strengthening the links between the department and other departments of the faculty and university and with other relevant institutions of society, by providing technical advice that contribute to the development and modernization of education.

Raising the professional level and deepening the culture of quality and entrenching it among all employees in the department (faculty members - researchers - students - administrators) and develop their skills that enable them to deal with the variables of the times and quality requirements.

Continue to hold the annual symposium of the department.

Active participation in the annual conference of the college.

4- GOALS Objectives:

4-1: In the field of teaching

ü  Development of learners in the department cognitively, skillfully and emotionally.

ü  Introduce students to modern educational trends and continuous innovation in the field of pedagogy.

ü  Forming positive attitudes towards the teaching profession.

ü  Developing students' understanding of economic, political, cultural, environmental and informational challenges and their relationship to education.

ü   Preparing university books that serve the courses offered by the department, through team work.

ü   Developing and implementing integrated and sequential teacher and education preparation programs at the undergraduate level.

ü   Develop and implement qualification programs for experts and specialized educational researchers at the graduate level.

4-2 In the field of scientific research:

ü   Conducting basic and applied research in the different fields of education assets (philosophy of education and its history - meeting of education - school and society - educational thought and its educational applications - economics of education and financing - adult education and its fields - future studies in education and human development - educational planning - etc).

ü   Organize and organize seminars, conferences and seminars in the fields of specialization and educational issues related to society.

ü   Arbitration of scientific research and development projects in the field of education assets inside and outside the department.

ü   Development of research skills and competencies and their applications among researchers in the field of education.

4-3 In the field of community service:

ü  Provide educational and professional consultations to educational organizations and bodies.

ü   Spreading educational and development awareness among social groups and segments.

ü   Contribute to local and national developmental and educational projects.

ü   Contribute to solving the problems of social reform in all its fields (political, economic, cultural, social, educational, health, etc.).

ü   Develop effective partnership with educational and research institutions locally, regionally and globally, which helps in the service of society and the development of the environment.

ü   Empowering learners to analyze educational issues in the local and regional community and suggest strategies for dealing with them.

5-Values ??and Standards of the Department of Foundations of Education (VALUES):

Each department has a set of values ??and standards, which embody its functions, determine the size of its responsibilities, and help him in the fulfillment of his mission.

o   Academic Freedom

o   The scientific climate that creates creativity.

o   Outstanding scientific productivity.

o    Pluralism in the sources of knowledge to achieve educational quality

o    Continuity in introducing and renewing educational knowledge and experience.

o    Innovative teaching and evaluation methods.

o    Creativity in the production, employment and management of educational knowledge.

o   Effective educational leadership.

o   Self-evaluation and structural restructuring of the department.

o    Competitive.

o    Community partnership.

o    Efficiency and performance development.

o   Renewed academic achievement.

o   elaborate objective scientific analysis.

o    Scientific integrity and the preservation of the rights of others.

o   Accurate data and information eligibility.