Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Adduct Formation between C60/C70 and Optically Active 1,1¢-Binaphthyl-2,2¢-diamine
Research Areafacuulty-of-science
AuthorsMaged El-Kemary
AbstractPhotoinduced electron transfer and adduct formation between C60/C70 and 1,1¢-binaphthyl-2,2¢-diamine (BNA) have been studied by nanosecond laser flash photolysis and steady-state photolysis as well as circular dichroism measurements. Quantum yields (¼et T) and rate constants of electron transfer from BNA to the excited triplet state of C60/C70 have been determined by observing the transient absorption bands in the near-IR region where the triplet states and anion radicals of fullerenes appear. Compared with the planar naphthylamine moiety, ¼et T values of perpendicular bichromophoric BNA are low because of hindrance of approach to round fullerenes. The formation of an optically active adduct between C60 and BNA in a polar solvent was observed upon excitation with light at ? > 330 nm where both C60 and BNA are light-absorbing. The reaction mechanism for the optically active adduct formation can be explained as a result of the addition reaction of the N-centered radical formed by deprotonation of BNA¥+, which is produced by direct photoejection.

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