Excited and ground-state complexes of tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) with some organic electron acceptors
Research Areafacuulty-of-science
AuthorsMaged El-Kemary
AbstractBimolecular reactions between singlet excited TPP (1TPP*) and various nitroaromatic acceptors were investigated in solvents with various polarity. The reactions between 1TPP* as electron donor and both picric acid (PIC) and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) as electron acceptors were accompanied by the appearance of a new emission band in non-polar and slightly polar solvents. A new absorption charge-transfer (CT) band was also observed between TPP and both PIC and DNS. This e†ect was not observed for other nitroaromatic acceptors. The new emission of the CT complexes was interpreted as a CT excited complex (exciplex). The rate constant of the deactivation process, excited-state dipole moment, ?uorescence (k lifetime and activation q) energies of the CT exciplex are presented. In addition, the association constant, molar absorption coefficients and thermodynamic standard reaction quantities of the ground-state complexes were also investigated in solvents of various polarities.

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