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The direct and interactive effects of psychological capital and psychological ownership on work attitudes and withdrawal behaviors
Research Areafaculty-of-commerce
Authorsأ.د/ محمد أبوالقمصان محمد عبدالوهاب
AbstractThe present study investigated direct and interactive effects of psychological capital and psychological ownership on work attitudes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) and withdrawal behaviors (job withdrawal and work withdrawal). Using a sample of 411 nurses who work in governmental hospitals in Kafr El–Sheikh governorate, the results showed that psychological capital and psychological had positive direct effects on both jop satisfaction and organizational commitment and they had significant interactive effects on them. Furthermore, psychological ownership capital had a negative direct effect on job withdrawal and psychological ownership had negative direct effects on both job withdrawal and work withdrawal, but they didn't have significant interactive effects on them. The current study included discussion, practical implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research

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