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مجال البحث
1Molecular characterization of Integron in Some Multi-Drug resistant Enterobacter species isolated from clinical samples
2Molecular Characterization of Carbapenemases in Gram negative Clinical Bacterial Isolates
3 Characterization of Integron and New Resistant Genes in Pathogenic Bacteria
4Development of A New Method for Rapid Detection of Carbapenemases
5Application of Nanotechnology in Diagnosis and treatment of Infectious diseases
7The role of bacteria in biodegradation of xenobiotics
8Molecular Detection of Biofilm Forming Genes in some Bacterial Species
9Role of Transposones and Insersion Sequence Element(ISE) in Developing Antimicrobial Resistance
10Development of new vaccine for HCV
11Biotechnology: Production of new biologically active compounds using bacterial
12Molecular Characterization of Metallo-Beta-Lactamses Produced by Gram Negative Bacteria

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