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مجال البحث
1Neuro-Fuzzy approach
2Sunspot numbers
3Computer Engineering and Automatic Control
4Soft Computing
5Multi-Stage Fuzzy logic controller
6FACTS; Hybrid Switched Capacitive compensator-HSCC
7efficient energy utilization,
8voltage stabilization.
9genetic algorithms
10time series
11 prediction of Solar Activity
12 Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)
14PI controller
15Genetic algorithms
16Fuzzy Logic Neural Network
17and 2 nd order fuzzy sets
18Hybrid controller
19Self-excited induction generator
20adapted and static fuzzy sets
21Forecasting solar and geomagnetic levels of activity
22Solar and Stellar Activity Cycles
23methods: numerical
24galaxies: stellar population
25galaxies: individual (NGC 3384).
26: fuzzy controller: static and adapted fuzzy sets and power system stabilizer

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