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الأبحاث العلمية

 ·     تم نشر بحثين في المؤتمر السنوي السابع و الثلاثون للإحصاء وعلوم الحاسب و بحوث العمليات (2002) بمعهد الدراسات و البحوث الإحصائية وهما :-

1.      Recurrence Relations From Multiple Outliers From Non-Identical   

      Doubly Truncated  Generalized Weibull.


2.      Order Statistics From Non-Identical Doubly Truncated Generalized

       Weibull Random  Variables.


3.      Statistical Analysis of Exponentiated Weibull Family Under Type I Progressive Interval Censoring with Random Removals. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 3(12): 1851-1863, 2007.


4.      Estimations Of The Parameters Of Exponentiated Weibull Family with Type II Progressive Interval Censoring with Random Removals. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 4(11): 1428-1442, 2008.


5.      Hyper Linear Exponential Distribution As A Life Distribution. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 5(12): 2213-2218, 2009.


6.      On Estimation Of The Exponentiated Pareto Distribution Under Different Sample Schemes, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4, 2010, no. 8, 393 - 402.


7.      Statistical Inference Using Progressively Hybrid Censored Data Under Exponentiated Exponential Distribution With Binomial Random Removals. South African Statist. J. (2011) 45, 149–170.


8.      Classical Estimation of Mixed Rayleigh Distribution in Type I Progressive             Censored. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications 10 (4), 2011, 619-632.   

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