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السيرة الذاتية باللغة الإنجليزية



Curriculum VITAE

Yasmine Sabry Radwan Gomaa



Personal Data

Address                    : Tanta – Egypt

Tel.                               : 040/3297814

Mob.                              : 0101590520

Date OF Birth           : 10/1/1983

Place OF Birth          : Kuwait

Nationality               : Egyptian. 

Religion                    : Muslim       

Marital Status          : Single.

Education                 : B.Sc. of physical therapy, Cairo University, 2003

                                            M.Sc. of physical therapy, Cairo University, 2010


Current position        : Assistant lecturer in faculty of physical therapy,

                                           Cairo University, department of neuromuscular

                                           disorders and its surgery.

Courses :

·        E-learning                                                   

·        Effective teaching

·        Thinking skills

·        Curriculum design

·        Credit hours system

·        International publication of researches

·        Self management

·        Leader ship

·        Communication skills

·        Mind mapping

·        Planning

·        Self learning

·        Emergency-first aid

·        Cupping therapy

·        Management of spasticity (what to do?)

·        Back management techniques

·        Stroke Rehabilitation.


·        The 1st Scientific International Congress of the Society of Arab Faculties and Institutes of Physiotherapy (2009).

·         Orthotics, prosthesis technology and disabilities (2008).

·        Sixth Annual Conference of Medical Sciences, 2008 – Egypt.

·        11th International Scientific Conference physiotherapy 2008 - Egypt.

·        The Third International Conference on Scientific Research and Applications at the University of Cairo –2007.

·        First Conference of occupational therapy in the Middle East –2007.

·        8th International Scientific Conference of physiotherapy 2005- Egypt.

·        7th International Scientific Conference of physiotherapy 2004- Egypt.



·        Certificate of honor for my efforts in research.

·        Nominated for the best master research for year 2010.


·        Practical training for 12 months in Kasr Al-Ainy hospital from November 2003 to October 2004.

·        Teba hospital out clinic from July 2004 to September 2004.

·        Clinic of Dr. Usama Rashad, professor of physical therapy for neuromuscular disorders and its surgery, from June 2003 to December 2004.

·        Abd El-Kader Fahmy hospital from may 2009 to July 2009.

·        Ta’heal center of Neurorehabilitation from May 2012 to October 2012.

·        Different private cases from 2003 till Now (M.S, Parkinsonism, strokes, peripheral neuritis, lumbar disorders, Cervical disorders, Ataxia, spinal cord injuries).  


Spoken Language :          

·        Arabic ( Native )

·        V.Good in English (Written & spoken).


Computer Skills:

·        Word office 2003, 2007.

·        Microsoft Power Point.

·        Microsoft Excel.

·        Adobe Photoshop CS4-CS5.

·        Adobe Illustrator CS4-CS5.

·        Adobe InDesign CS4-CS5.

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