The President Surveys the Educational and Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture

Today, Thursday, 7/10/2021, the President Prof Dr Abed El-Raziq Desouky, accompanied by Prof Dr Hasan Youness, the vice president for Postgraduate Studies and Research and Prof Dr Yahia Zakaria Eid, the dean of Faculty of Agriculture, surveys the educational and research of Faculty of Agriculture.

The president surveys the protected cultivation area, the fruit farm, the flower and ornamental plant farm, and the farm infrastructure to complete the preparations for the start of the academic year and the preparations required to start the distinguished study program for the bachelor's stage "Protected Cultivation Technology", issued by the decision of Prof. Dr. Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research last September.

The president also visits the plant production farm and the rice crop, as well as discussing future expansions for the establishment of Kafrelsheikh Local and Technological University.

As well, Dr. Desouky directs the dean to the necessity of relying on agricultural technology in developing agricultural and animal production farms, benefiting from advanced agricultural research, setting up plant, animal and poultry production based on the university’s role in community development and environmental service.

The president praises the multi-field farms in the Faculty of Agriculture, confirming the provision of full support to the educational and research units and farms at the university to confirm its role in meeting the requirements of civil society.

Otherwise, Prof. Dr. Hasan Younes, the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, says that the visit comes within the framework of the president's keenness to conduct the development of all farms and production units affiliated with the university, including animal farms, domestic poultry, and vegetable and fruit farms.


Prof. Dr. Yahya Zakaria Eid, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, explains that the visit is as an affirmation of the service and societal role played by the university, pointing to the importance of using scientific research to increase crop production, livestock production and production units.

جامعة كفر الشيخ تتصدر الجامعات المصرية في تخصص الهندسة بتصنيف «التايمز


أعلن الدكتور عبد الرازق دسوقي رئيس جامعة كفرالشيخ، تحقيق الجامعة مراكز متقدمة في  تصنيف التايمز البريطاني للجامعات وفقًا للموضوعات لعام 2021، وظهرت الجامعة ضمن أفضل 400 جامعة في مجال الهندسة واحتلت المركز 301- 400 عالميًا والأول محليًا مع جامعة أسوان وبني سويف والمنوفية والزقازيق، من ضمن 21 جامعة مصرية ظهرت بهذا التصنيف. للمزيد

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