الخطه الدراسيه

الخطة الدراسية للفصل الدراسي الأول للعام الجامعي 2021-2020




1st week



Cellular responses to  injury 1

Cellular responses to  injury 2                              

2nd week


Cellular responses to  injury 2 

Necrosis, apoptosis and gangrene

3rd week


Inflammation 1

Inflammation 2 and healing

4th week


Circulatory disturbances 1

Circulatory disturbances 2

5 th week


Granuloma 1 (Tuberculosis)

Granuloma 2 (Sarcoidosis-Leprosy-Bilharziasis)

6th  week




Granuloma 3  (Syphilis- rhinoscleroma-actinomycosis)


Infectious diseases 1 (Bacterial infections-fungal infections)

7th   week




Infectious diseases 2 (Protozoal infections- opportunistic infections)

Immunopathology and amyloidosis

8th  week


Genetic disorders

Radiation injury

9th  week


Neoplasia 1 (general)

Neoplasia 2 (Epithelial tumours)


10th  week


Neoplasia 3 (Mesenchymal tumours)

Neoplasia 4 (Melanocytic tumours –end)


11th  week


Quiz 1

Cardiovascular system 1

12th  week


Cardiovascular system 2

Cardiovascular system 3



ت الخطة الدراسية للفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي 2021-2020



1st week


Diseases of the respiratory system 1

Diseases of the respiratory system 2

2nd week


Diseases of the GIT 1

Diseases of the GIT 2

3rd week


Diseases of the liver and gall bladder 1

Diseases of the liver and gall bladder 2

4th week


Diseases of the pancreas and peritoneum

Diseases of the urinary  system 1

5 th week


Diseases of the urinary  system 2

Diseases of the urinary system 3 

Diseases of the male genital system

6th  week

Diseases of the female genital  system 1

Diseases of the female genital system  2


7th   week


Diseases of the female genital system 3

Diseases of the breast

8th  week


Diseases of the bone and joints 1

Diseases of the bone and joints 2


9th  week


Quiz II

Diseases of the endocrine system 1

Diseases of the endocrine  system 2


10th  week


Diseases of the lymphoid system 1              

Diseases of the lymphoid system 2  

Diseases of the reticuloendothelial system  


11th  week


Diseases of the nervous system 1

Diseases of the nervous system 2


12th  week


Diseases of the blood 1

Diseases of the blood 2



13th  week



14th  week





