Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Science 2010/2011



Gentlemen agents - Heads of Sections - faculty members and their staff college
Best wishes for a happy New Year.

I am pleased to extend to you my sincere thanks and appreciation for your efforts in the development of the college and raise the level of performance, and I have the honor to invite you and members of the faculty , teachers , teaching assistants of the department to attend the Scientific Conference of the College for the academic year 2011-2012  based on the text of Article 48.49 of the Law on the organization of the Egyptian universities and on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 10am lecture hall 400.

Article 48 - call Dean or Institute Scientific Conference of the college or institute to meet once at least during the academic year and draft will be written about the meeting with the recommendations of the Conference to be shown to Councils of departments and the Council of the college or institute.

Article 49 - a Scientific Conference of the college or institute headed by Dean - and the membership of

All faculty members at the college or institute.

Representatives of teachers, assistants and lecturers at the college or institute.

Student representatives, who are of outstanding students.

The presence of you will pay the work college and lead to the revival and progress.
With my sincere greetings to you with good health and continued success.
Accept, my sincere.

Written in 4/8/2011 


Professor D.r  / Maged Abdel Tawab Kamary