
Achievements: 1/1/2011 to 1/1/2012

I- quality projects qualified for accreditation (CIQAP): the fifth and sixth turns

  1. Representing the Center in the CIQAP seminar which was held at the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education on Thursday 22/2/2011, presenting the qualifying project proposed by the Faculty of Veterinary for accreditation. The result was that few modifications had to be carried out in order to accept the project finally.
  2. Three meetings were held at the Faculty of Arts on 8/3/2011, the Faculty of Agriculture on 9/3/2011 and the Faculty of Engineering on 8/3/2011. These meetings, attended by the faculty, aimed to identify the reasons beyond the rejection of the CIQAP projects previously submitted to the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education in the fifth turn.
  3. Representing the University in the discussion of the project introduced by the Faculty of Veterinary to the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education on 27/6/2011 in order to discuss the methods of carrying out the CIQAP projects—the fifth turn.
  4. Visiting the Faculty of Veterinary to introduce the technical support and follow up what has been achieved of the first quarter activities for qualifying the Faculty for accreditation on 21/9/2011.
  5. Accompanying the CIQAP technical support team to the Faculty of Veterinary on 29/9/2011.
  6. Representing the Center in the CIQAP seminar which was held at the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education on 27/9/2011, presenting the qualifying project proposed by the Faculty of Agriculture for accreditation. The result was that few modifications had to be carried out in order to accept the project finally.
  7. Representing the Center in the CIQAP seminar which was held at the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education on 27/9/2011, presenting the qualifying project proposed by the Faculty of Physical Education for accreditation. The result was that few modifications had to be carried out in order to accept the project finally.
  8. Visiting the Faculty of Agriculture to introduce the technical support and discuss the required modifications of the CIQAP project proposal on 19/9/2011.
  9. Visiting the Faculty of Agriculture to revise the modified executive plan for the CIQAP on 21/11/2011.
  10. Visiting the Faculty of Physical Education to introduce the technical support and discuss the required modifications of the CIQAP project proposal on 21/9/2011.
  11. Visiting the Faculty of Physical Education to introduce the technical support and discuss the required modifications of the CIQAP project proposal on 3/10/2011.
  12. Visiting the Faculty of Physical Education to introduce the technical support and discuss the required modifications of the CIQAP project proposal on 9/10/2011.
  13. Visiting the Faculty of Physical Education to revise the modified executive plan for the CIQAP project on 21/11/2011.
  14. Visiting the Faculty of Arts to discuss the reasons for which the Ministry rejected the CIQAP project for the second time on 21/11/2011.
  15. Revising five CIQAP projects—introduced by the faculties of Commerce, Agriculture, Engineering, Arts, Veterinary and Physical Education—and three of which were accepted: the Faculty of Veterinary, Agriculture and Physical Education.

II- Projects of laboratory accreditation at the Higher Education institutions

  1. Representing the University in the first session of laboratory accreditation projects team-works at the higher education institutions on 2/6/2010, participating with two projects: qualifying the Central Lab for Environmental Studies for accreditation at the Faculty of Agriculture; and qualifying the Lab of Analyzing Feeds and Water for accreditation
  2. Visiting the Central Lib for Environmental Studies on 4/4/2011, identifying the best activities: finishing four PT tests, the continual increase in the number of experiments proposed for accreditation, and testing all equipments twice. The most important recommendations to be examined in the following visit were: putting a plan for emergency; reviewing the management system and job description; finishing the Lab's SWOT; putting a comprehensive plan for serving the society; and putting a practical plan based on the needs and then testing the results
  3. Visiting the Lab of Analyzing Feeds, Water and Food of Animal Origins on 4/4/2011
  4. Attending a workshop at the Faculty of Agriculture in which the qualifying project of Plant and Biotechnology Lab was introduced on 22/6/2011
  5. Representing the University at the discussion of the project proposed by the Faculty of Agriculture, entitled "Qualifying the Lab of Testing and Evaluating Pesticides for Accreditation", held at the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education on 5/7/2011. The project was rejected.
  6. Representing the University at the discussion of the project proposed by the Faculty of Science, entitled "Qualifying the Lab of Photochemistry and Nanotechnology for Accreditation", held at the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education on 5/7/2011. The project was rejected.
  7. Accompanying the visiting team to the Faculty of Agriculture in order to introduce the technical support for the Central Lab of Environmental Studies on 25/7/2011.
  8. Representing the University in a workshop entitled "Nanotechnology Applications in the Field of Plant Diseases" at the Faculty of Agriculture on 14/11/2011
  9. Visiting the Lab of Plant Diseases at the Faculty of Agriculture in order to activate the Marketing potentials of the Lab within Kafr El-Sheikh and its surroundings; and to review the equipments, tools and infrastructure of the Lab on 21/11/2011
  10. Visiting the Faculty of Veterinary on 5/12/2011 in order to encourage them to propose for the National Institute for Measurement and Assessment—the National Lab for Measuring Technical Proficiency—in order to accredit the Lab according to the ISO/IEC standard 17025:2005
  11. Visiting the Faculty of Agriculture on 5/12/2011 in order to encourage them to propose for the National Institute for Measurement and Assessment—the National Lab for Measuring Technical Proficiency—in order to accredit the Lab according to the ISO/IEC standard 17025:2005
  12. Attending the presentation about the qualifying project of the Plant Disease and Nanotechnology Lab at the Faculty of Agriculture on 22/12/2010
  13. Attending the presentation of the qualifying project of the Central Lab for Diagnosing Animal, Bird and Fish Diseases on 22/12/2010

III- Students Participation Projects

  1. Announcing the launching of students participation projects in the quality assurance domain (the Second turn) on 6/6/2011
  2. Accompanying the technical support team of students participation projects to the Faculty of Arts on 29/9/2011
  3. Accompanying the technical support team of students participation projects to the Faculty of Agriculture on 29/9/2011
  4. Accompanying the technical support team of students participation projects to the Faculty of Engineering on 29/9/2011
  5. Visiting the project of students participation at the Faculty of Arts, entitled "Conducting a Survey and a Directive Plan for each Floor of the Faculty of Arts, Kafr El-Sheikh University", on 27/10/2011 in order to introduce the technical support for those who carry it out
  6. Visiting the project of students participation at the Faculty of Science, entitled "The Safe Disposal of Chemical Wastes" and "Preparing the Herbarium at the Faculty", on 13/11/2011 in order to introduce the technical support for those who carry them out
  7. Representing the University in the discussion of the students participation project proposed by the Faculty of Science, held at the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education on 15/11/2011, presenting the project with the title of "The Safe Disposal of Chemical Wastes". The project is accepted.
  8. Representing the University in the discussion of the students participation project proposed by the Faculty of Science, held at the Projects Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education on 15/11/2011, presenting the project with the title of "Preparing the Herbarium at the Faculty". The project is accepted.
  9. Visiting the Faculty of Agriculture to follow up the acceleration letter of the Projects Management Unit and the continual improvement project on 27/11/2011, which was concerned with sending the monthly technical report of the students participation project, entitled "Studying the Student Satisfaction at the Faculty of Agriculture about the Goals and Students Activities"
  10. Visiting the Faculty of Agriculture to follow up the acceleration letter of the Projects Management Unit and the continual improvement project on 27/11/2011, which was concerned with sending the monthly technical report of the students participation project, entitled "Students, Alumni and Labor Market Needs"
  11. Visiting the Faculty of Science to follow up what will be introduced in respect of the projects of students participation, entitled " The Safe Disposal of Chemical Wastes" and "Preparing the Herbarium at the Faculty", on 27/11/2011
  12. Revising 9 projects in the domain of students participation and introducing them to the Project Management Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education: 5 from the Faculty of Engineering, 2 from the Faculty of Agriculture and 1 from the Faculty of Arts
  13. Holding a meeting for the managers of quality units at the faculties, discussing the following: the practical baggage, the executive regulation of the Center, monthly reports, students participation projects—the third turn, CIQAP project for those faculties which have not yet achieved it. The meeting has come out with the following recommendations:

·         Activating the accredited regulation of the Center and the faculties' units

·         Organizing a meeting between the University's president, the Center's members and the University's faculty

·         Providing quality units with financial support

  1. Visiting the Faculties of Science, Commerce, Education, Physical Education, Specific Education, Engineering, Veterinary and Agriculture on 12/12/2011 in order to follow up and encourage them to propose for students participation projects and identify practical needs
  2. Introducing the technical support about the obstacles that face the students participation project entitled "Preparing the Herbarium at the Faculty" on 15/12/2011
  3. Introducing the technical support for the students participation project at the Faculty of Agriculture on 15/12/2011
  4. Introducing the technical support for the students participation project at the Faculty of Veterinary on 22/12/2011
  5. Holding a meeting for the coordinators of students participation projects at the Quality Assurance Unit on 2/1/2012 in order to discuss the obstacles that face them and how to overcome them

IV- Media and Marketing

  1. Propagating for the Quality Assurance Center through some radio, TV and journalistic interviews; introducing the Center's achievements, goals and mission
  2. Presenting the Center's achievements and working plan for the academic year 2010-2011 at Tanta University on 3/10/2010
  3. Holding a session to discuss the audiences' view of quality after the 25th Revolution
  4. Carrying out a questionnaire at the faculties' quality units in order to identify their practice needs, technical support and the required edification, identifying the following needs:

Center's Activities

Required Fields

Practical Courses

Applying academic standards; matrix of academic standards and programs; matrix of programs and courses; how to write a course description according to the latest edition of the Nation Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation; how to write course and program reports

Course plans

Strategic planning


Supporting documents for assessment and accreditation standards

How to fill in CIQAP forms

How to prepare a comprehensive self-study and how to write the Faculty's annual report

How to organize the quality unit's activities in order to carry out its activities effectively and professionally

Students assessment systems and standards for assessing exam sheets

Sessions and meetings

The meaning, methods and strategies of learning and education

Identifying the desired learning outcomes and the methods of assessing learning outcomes

The five steps of questionnaires and how to benefit from their feedbacks in improving the process of learning

Competitive projects and laboratory accreditation standards

The meaning and plan of academic advising and support and the role of the academic advisor

The standards of the National Authority for Assessing and Accrediting Programs

Technical Support

How to organize the quality unit's activities and how to prepare the supporting documents for assessment and accreditation standards

External assessment for academic programs

Internal revisions of the faculties

How to make an environmental analysis, how to make a SWOT matrix, the average weight and the effect of each one of the factors: strength, weakness, chances and threats

How to articulate the mission, vision and strategic goals based on the SWOT analysis

How to put a realistic and applicable plan in order to prepare for accreditation

How to put executive plans for continual improvement 


Achievements: 1/1/2012 to 1/6/2012

  1. The Faculty of Veterinary and the Faculty of Agriculture have achieved the CIQAP project
  2. Four faculties—the Faculty of Arts, Commerce, Education and Physical Education—have been proposed for the CIQAP project. These projects are being assessment
  3. Obtaining seven students participation projects (3 for the Faculty of Agriculture, 2 for the Faculty of Arts, 1 for the Faculty of Engineering and 1 for the Faculty of Science)
  4. Concerning technical support and supervision, the Center has carried out 23 visits to the different faculties of the University in relation to the CIQAP project, Students Participation Projects and Quality Assurance Units
  5. Holding 6 meetings—a meeting at the beginning of each month—to the managers of quality assurance units at each faculty in order to identify the obstacles that face each unit and introduce the appropriate support
  6. Representing the Center at two national conferences held at the Information and Development Center
  7. Representing the Center at 7 sessions held at the different faculties of the University
  8. Representing the Center at 6 workshops held at the different faculties of the University
  9. Handing in the outcomes of two projects: the Central Lab for Environmental Studies at the Faculty of Agriculture and the Lab of Analyzing Feeds, Water and Food of animal origins at the Faculty of Veterinary
  10. Handing in the outcomes of 4 students participation projects:

·         Making a survey and a directive plan for each floor of the Faculty of Arts-Kafr El-Sheikh University

·         Documenting studying lectures at the Faculty of Engineering

·         Studying students satisfaction about the university's goals and activities at the Faculty of Agriculture

·         Students, Alumni and the Market Labor project at the Faculty of Agriculture

  1. Representing the Center in attending the activities of the experts visit from the Projects Management Unit to the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Veterinary to assess what has been achieved concerning the CIQAP project from 1/1/2012 to 1/6/2012