Community Service Affairs

              Community Service and Environment Development Committee

            Under the authority of Prof. Ramadan Ahmed Al-Domany (Dean)



            Policy of the faculty for community service and environmental development:


·         Achieving integration and coordination in the efforts exerted by the faculty on one hand and by the University on the other, within the framework of the country’s development plans, environmental protection and community service plans.


·         Continuous contribution to the solution of environmental problems and developing environmental awareness.


·         Continuous communication with civil society to meet its needs and trends.


·         Providing scientific support and training to all environment and society parties.


·         Offering training courses that are suitable for the community needs according to labor-market requirements.


·         Encouraging voluntary work in the field of community service and environmental development.


·          Participation of undergraduate students, postgraduate students, staff members and employees in community-service activities.


·          Adopting and supporting environmental and service activities as well as expanding the range of community services and environmental development.


·          Achieving integration with the faculty's policies in the field of education and scientific research.


·         Conducting the laboratory experiments needed by institutions and factories with the submission of certificates.


·         Conducting scientific seminars to discuss the problems of society and solve them with inviting graduates and various parties of society


·         Conducting field workshops of faculty staff members and their assistant staff to study any environmental problems on nature and to find solutions to them.