activities and services

  Activities and services:


·         The Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery provides residents with complete education in the comprehensive medical and surgical care of patients with diseases and disorders that affect the ear, nose throat, Audiovestibular medicine, and phoniatrics.

·         The educational program combines core basic science knowledge of otolaryngology and the communication sciences with the clinical aspects of diagnosis and medical and/or surgical therapy for related ailment

·         Provide patients with different services:

1.       Ear care

·  Ear infections.

·  Advanced middle ear surgical procedures.

·  care of the mastoid cavity (ear canal).

·  Emergency care clinic in accident and complicated middle ear infections with intracranial complications

2.    Hearing and balance

·  Support for hearing loss and communication challenges.

·  Evaluation and treatment of hearing disorders and ear diseases.

·  Resources and care for people of all ages with balance disorders

3.       Allergy, sinus, nose, and sleep disorders:

·  Expert care for upper airway and breathing disorders.

·  Customized treatments for people with nose, sinus, and allergy problems.

·  Diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing, snoring, and sleep apnea.

Educational Goals and Objectives for Otolaryngology Head and neck Surgery department:

The principle educational goals of the Otolaryngology curriculum are as the following:

1) Patient Care:

·         Perform a history with particular attention to ear, Nose , throat, head and neck complaints

·         Formulate a management plan

·         Clearly document patient management in the medical record  

2) Medical Knowledge:

·         Recognize the symptoms and signs of a variety of ear, Nose , throat, head and neck conditions

·         Formulate differential diagnoses for common ENT, AVM and phoniatric diseases

·         Manage common ENT,  AVM and phoniatric problems

·         Use diagnostic and therapeutic options appropriately

·         Recognize when a patient needs subspecialty referral

3) Practice-Based Learning and Improvement:

·         Be able to perform a literature search in order to answer clinical questions

·         Be able to interpret laboratory and radiologic data

·         Identify deficiencies in knowledge base and develop independent means to address them

4) Interpersonal and Communication Skills:

·         Communicate effectively and compassionately with patients

·         Effectively communicate patients needs to other providers

·         Facilitate the functioning of a multidisciplinary team  

5) Professionalism:

·         Interact with patients, colleagues and hospital staff in a respectful manner

·         Maintain patient confidentiality

6) Systems-Based Practice:

·         Understand and participate in the use of guidelines for ENT and AVM care

Understand appropriate referrals for ENT and AVM care