The University Hospital Holds Awareness Seminar on the International Day of Epilepsy


Under the patronage of the president Prof Dr Maged el Kemary, the Faculty of Medicine organizes yesterday Sunday 26/3/2017 an educational program about epilepsy, its symptoms and treatment.

As well, Prof Dr Hasan el Batti mentions that epilepsy is one of chronic neurological disorders that afflicts community members of different ages as there are about 50 million people with epilepsy around the world and 70% of sufferers with epilepsy around the world; 90 % of whom infected with sufferers live in developing regions and they responds treatment, but it is still not available for about three-quarters of those infected.

The seminar spoke about the common forms of the disease which affects six patient pen out of ten patients “Idiopathic epilepsy”

The pathological form resulted from reason called “secondary epilepsy” or epilepsy resulting from brain injury due to loss of oxygen or brain infection such as meningitis or brain tumor.