Branches of study


 The Aquaculture department has 42 branches:

1)    An Introduction to Fish Resource Sciences

2)    Ichthyology

3)    Aquatic Invertebrates

4)    Marine Botany

5)    Principles of Aquaculture

6)    Aquaculture Systems

7)    Mariculture

8)    Integrated Aquaculture

9)    Ornamental Fish Production

10)  Invertebrate Culture

11)    Nutrition of Aquatic Animals

12)  Aquatic Larval Feeding

13)                       Aquatic Physiology

14)                       Aquatic Biology

15)                      Aquaculture Hatching and Propagation

16)                      Conservation Biology

17)                      Aquatic Birds and Marine Mammals

18)                      Dangerous and Endangered Marine Species

19)                      Aquaculture Engineering

20)                      Microbiology

21)                      Aquatic and Marine Ecology

22)                      Behavioral Ecology

23)                      Fish Diseases

24)                      Diseases of Aquatic Invertebrates

25)                      Nutritional and Managemental Disorders

26)                      Quarantine& Health Care

27)                      Aquatic Animals Genetics & Breeding

28)                      Fundamentals of Economics

29)                      Environmental Economy

30)                      Economy of Fish Projects

31)                      Principles of Account

32)                      Fish Extension & Planning of Extension Programmes

33)                      Fish Marketing and Commerce

34)                      An introduction to Statistics

35)                      Applied Statistics

36)                      Environmental Extension

37)                      Management Principles I

38)                      Management Principles 2

39)                      Research and Seminar

40)                      Graduation Project

41)                       Field Training 1

42)                      Field Training 2

Branches of research study in Aquaculture Department:


Research field

Research points


Fish Nutrition

·  Use of food and plant waste in feeding fish and shrimp

·  Use of unconventional feed materials for feeding fish and shrimp

·   Use of food additives in feeding fish and shrimp

·  Effect of different levels of nanoparticles on growth performance, blood components and immune response of fish and shrimp


Fish feed production and composition

·  Developing natural food and raising its nutritional efficiency

·  Production of rotifers  and brine shrimp to feed fish larvae

·  Production of unconventional feed from food waste

·  Production of stress-resistant fodder and study of its effect on fish performance

·   Production of fortified feed with food additives to raise the efficiency of fish growth and disease resistance


Fish farming water quality

·  Raising the efficiency of biological filtration in intensive fish farming in fresh water with the water recycling system

·   Improving water quality by using some natural additives

·  Determine the appropriate salinity range for hatching African catfish eggs

·  Field monitoring of the most important water pollutants and how to overcome them

·   Methods for biological water treatment and reuse


Fish disease resistance

·  Using natural alternatives to antibiotics to treat bacterial diseases in fish

·   Plant extracts as antimicrobial agents for fish

·  Ecological and behavioral studies on fish

·         Modern techniques to control bacterial pathogens in fish

·  Modern techniques to control fungal pathogens in fish

·         Field monitoring of the most important biological causes of fish mortality

·         Modern techniques to raise the immunity of cultured fish.

·         Modern techniques to control parasitic pathogens of fish

·         Field monitoring of the most important abiotic causes of fish mortality