Solidarity Fund


The Social Solidarity Fund aims at achieving the social security for students inits different forms, contributes to the implementation of student services, solves the problems facing the students, and prevents them from studying, because of the shortage of their financial income.

The fund board of directors consists of the Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs as the council chairman and two staff chosen annually by the College Board, the Department of Youth Welfare director and the Students' Union Secretary after the election. Theassistances are provided to the students in either a financial or in-kind form and they are spent through the Fund Assistance Commission, which studies in turn the assistanceapplications and does what is necessary for each case alone.


The procedures of getting a subsidy:

The conditions

1 -   Filling the Social Solidarity Fund form

2 -   Bringing a proof of entitlement to help (social research – a detailed account of his father's salary - an agricultural holdings statement)

3-   Sources of information about the student himself if he is worthy of being helped or not

4 -   The special cases distract its assistance from the Solidarity Fund, as approved by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fund

5 - To be a regular student in thecollege

a.       To be of an Egyptian Student

b.      Should not have been issued against him the disciplinary decisions of that interfere with his enjoyment of the fund's sponsorship.

c.       A fresh student in his year, unless the Fund's Board sees that his circumstances justify the exchange.


The procedures:

1 - A student fills in the form and submits it to the employee in charge of a certain stage.

2- The social specialist collects the forms and sets a meeting with Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fund to hold an emergency meeting to view the applications submitted to the Fund

3 - The Fund's Board of Directors, decides and agrees after examining the cases of students and determining the required assistances (the amount)

4Transferring the papers and documents to Mr. Director of the Youth Welfare Department to complete the administrative procedures regarding the exchange of the assistance.