Department of Oriental Languages and Literature

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The department presents the oriental languages' program, which aims to present a graduate who has the ability to:

Master the different oriental languages (spoken, written, read) fluently.

Translate from oriental languages to Arabic and vice versa.

Master oriental languages in a way that allow him to speak and interact to understand their intellectual, artistic, and new yields.

Communicate with other cultures with a well-made background of his Arabic culture.

Master oriental languages and to recognize their cultural framework with its characteristics.

Reading Hebrew, Turkish, and Urdu literature comprehensively.


Linguistic and grammatical rules of oriental languages.

Common linguistic and literary expressions in oriental languages.

Most common literary and intellectual movements of the oriental tradition.

Most famous ancient and contemporary authors and thinkers of the oriental tradition and their most important literary and intellectual yields.

Basic knowledge and concepts in the field of literary theories.

Most important linguistic and grammatical rules of Arabic language.


Understand contextual relationships of different methods in oriental languages and differentiate among them.

Analyse and criticize oral and written texts in oriental languages.

Understand oriental languages' linguistic and grammatical semantic and their development.

Compare between the culture and tradition of oriental languages and the culture and tradition of Arabic language.