Vision & Mission & Objectives


The vision

   ALeading Department, Nationally and Internationally Recognized, Appreciated for Excellence and Innovativeness in the disciplines of  Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, and Rural Sociology, and Contributes  Significantly to  sustainable Rural development .


The mission

    The Department of Agricultural Economics is committed to develop, apply, and disseminate scientific knowledge to help in socio-economic well-being, improving living standards and quality of  life of rural population, through preparing a distinguished graduate who is capable to compete professionally in national and international labor market, conduct research, solve community and environmental problems, and to make decisions in addressing socio-economic issues related to agricultural and fish production, food industries, human and natural resources and developing rural communities in a frame of progressive values.


Strategic Goals 


1.    Achieving excellence and distinction in education through integrated scientific multi-disciplinary program of Agricultural Economics, Rural Sociology, and Agricultural Extension, as well as encouraging  attention to continuous learning, self-learning, and on line education technology. 

2.    Supporting postgraduate studies and goal–oriented research - particularly research activities that related to national socio-economic development plans and in solving community problems.                 

3.    Utilizing modern technology.

4.    Strengthening mutually beneficial relationships and building new ones with communities, governmental entities, private sector, and civil community for enhancing the quality of life.                                    

5.    Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of management and administrative services, those support the department mission.