Students' Guide

Students’ Guide 2016/2017

Terms of Access for the faculty

The students are accepted according to the following rules:

1)    The faculty accepts the students of high school, the department of science and mathematics.

2)    The Agricultural Engineering Department accepts the students of high school of mathematics department.

3)    The rules of coordination office control the acceptance of students.

4)    The students that get Bachelor from the other faculties can not enter the faculty.

For more information, please visit the internal schedule:


For the students of First Year



The first 30 tops of high school, scientific department


The first 10 tops of high school, literary department


The first 5 tops of secondary commercial school


The first 5 tops of secondary agriculture school


The student who get 80% or more in high school or secondary technical school


For the students of (second, third, etc………)



The students who get excellent


The students who get very good



The Educational Military

The elements of military education training

The law No 46 for the year 1973 issued considers that the military education subject is main subject for the secondary school, universities and high institutions for Egyptian students.


First, the goal of study:

1)    The development of spirit of loyalty for our home.

2)    The creation of a conscious generation of youth able to bear the responsibility.

3)    The preparation of student for bearing the military life.


Second, the study duration:

The students in universities or institutions are trained in summer holidays and mid year holiday through sequential courses of military training for 2-3 weeks (144 hours).


Third, Subjects:

1)    The Art of fighting.

2)    Topography.

3)    Military traditions.

4)    Chemical training.

5)    Civil defense.

6)    Small weapons and shooting sport.

7)    National awareness.

8)    Military history.


Fourth, the student evaluation:

The student is evaluated according to perseverance and practical and theoretical test in the end of e very course.


Fifth, the teachers:

They mandate and order officers from the civil defense with a high degree of culture and experience for teaching the military education


Sixth, the time of courses:

It is held in summer or mid year holidays and exceptional courses can be held in the period of study after ending the sixth day according to the request of the president after the ratification from the leadership of military and militia civil.