
The aims of students’ union:

1)    The development of spiritual and ethical values; the national awareness among students, the training of them for leadership style and the opportunity to express their opinions.

2)    The development of university spirit among students and the deepening of ties among students, staff and employees.

3)    The discovery and development of talents and abilities of students.

4)    The spread and encouragement of forming families and student cooperative associations and the support of its activity.

5)    The spread and organization of sportive, social, scouting, art and cultural activities, the rise of its level and encouragement of outstanding students.

6)    The benefit from the students’’ energies for the service of community and development of participation spirit.


The council of students’ union seeks to achieve the goals of students’’ union through seven committees:

1)    Students’ families committee.

2)    Sportive activity committee.

3)    Art activity committee.

4)    Cultural activity committee.

5)    General Service committee.

6)    Social activity and trips committee.

7)    Science and technology committee.


The union council is formed annually under the authority of the dean or its vice from the staff members and the membership of the following:

1)    The pioneers of union council committees from the staff.

2)    The secretaries and assistant secretaries of union committees of students.

The students elect the members of council containing the secretary and assistant secretary and the head of technical staff for youth care and he/she is the secretary of council fund.